Monday, December 5, 2011


I am so thankful for all of the many blessings in my life. We have been very blessed with beautiful children, healthy bodies, a warm place to live, heat, food, and clean water. There is always something to be thankful for no matter how drab life can get, and for that I am thankful.Gary

My handy dandy fixer-upper repair man. He is pretty amazing this guy. He hung our Christmas lights on our house after coming home from work and in the dark. Our T.V broke and he ordered a part and fixed it right up!

He got a new job in August which I forgot to mention. He works for the National Weather Service now and he loves it. He works with the Radars and he gets to be in the great outdoors. He brought home this weather balloon one day for the kids to play with. They think he's a pretty cool Dad. So do I.
I have been loving being a stay at home mom. I love to be able to volunteer in Ryker's class at school, take care of my young ones at home, keep our house clean, and cook dinners. I really like trying out new recipes. The only thing I dont love is Laundry that is a battle I can never seem to win. I get it washed and dryed. Then the folding part comes and I put it off until there is a permanent mountain in Gary and I's room. Ah well what can ya do?
One hobby I have picked up lately is Zumba! I love zumba, I have been going about twice a week in the evenings. It's an amazing workout and so much fun!

How could you not wanna squeeze these little cheekies?! This big baby is turning one soon. I can't believe my Christmas baby is already going to be one. Time flies when your having fun I guess. He brings plenty of fun wherever he goes. He loves to explore the nooks and crannys of our house, he loves following around his sister & brother, and playing ball. He says Mama, Dada, and HI. He likes chasing ripley around the house, and he prefers to feed himself these days. Such a big Boy!

I guess you could say he is getting too big for his bouncy! Whenever I put him in it he manages to flip over and crawl with it on his back. Gary and I call him our little turtle.
He loves eating peaches. I am giving this boy lots more baths now that he is feeding himself!

This is my brother Dallen. Doesn't he look like a caucasian Bob Marley? Jonah was loving the Guitar strumming by his uncle Dally.


My little lady knows how to hold her own when it comes to wrastlin' with her brother! She loves playing with her brother, eating cereal, being super snuggly, horses, puppies, and french fry days with her Mom. Every time I ask her how old she is going to be on her Birthday she tells me "eighteen". I don't know where she got that from!

I can never keep her hair done anymore so I just leave it down most the time and everytime I comb her hair she sings that song from tangled " flower gleam and glow let your power shine" cute.

The Weather Balloon above.

We got invited to do a Joyschool and she has been loving it! She gets to play with kids, learn about letters, and read stories every Wednesday. Here are some pictures of the last couple of times at our house.


Here is Ryker being Santa. He dresses like this every year without fail. He stuffs his belly, puts on boots, and wears our Santa hat on his head. He also makes a paper beard and then pretends he is Santa asking everyone what they want for Christmas. Violet loved it! She is pretty terrified of the other Santa's out there so Ryker's little gettup will have to do. He's such a funny guy!

The weather balloon pretty much made his day! Gary had a Christmas work party for the Air National Guard. He took Ryker to the inside of the Radar he works with. Ryker thought that was probably the coolest thing ever! He told Gary he wants to be a Radar man like him when he grows up.

Wrestling! We put Rykes in wrestling, he had a pretty good time and pinned a couple kids. He also got pinned pretty good too, but he was a good sport about it! He even wrestled a 2nd grader in a unitard. It gave Gary and I some pretty good laughs!

I love how serious these boys faces are!

Funny kids.


  1. I seriously love your posts! Your family is so darling!! Your little Violet and my Elle are sooo similar! This whole post just made me smile :)
