Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Inside Months

January, February, and sometimes March can be tricky. You have to come up with some creative ways to be inside because it's too cold to play outside unless your all bundled up. We decided to blow some bubbles inside and Jonah was ecstatic about it!Jonah is still busy as ever climbing, getting into things, and bumping his head ALOT. He is still curious as ever but oh so cute! He loves singing Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, he loves bubbles, balloons, following his brother and sister around the house, and wrestling pretty much anybody. In this picture he was saying cheese it was adorable.

This was the first time we put curlers in her hair. It turned out darling,
she loves girly things like this.We still do Joyschool and she loves it. This was Valentines day at our house. We decorated cookies and made a cute craft!

Violet had her very first dance class. She loves dance, and shaking it in her tutu!

Vi will forever have a soft spot in her heart for animals. She loves playing with Ryker, going to church has become a favorite for her lately. I think it's because she has awesome teachers. She loves to read books ecspecially princess ones, and her most all time favorite is snuggling.

We love this beautiful girl!

Ryker is a pretty awesome brother. He plays and plays with Violet all day. I love that they can play together so well. He even will play girly things with her. He's so awesome.

I love these boys. Ryker has been busy with school, and activities. He loves to be an artist and paints or colors almost every day. His latest chosen profession is a math teacher. He is so funny!

Ryker and Violet in their fort! Forts are the best when your a kid. Ryker has had 3 visits from the tooth fairy and he recently lost one of his front teeth. I guess I should say it got pulled by his Grandma Andi. The first one he pulled and the other two were pulled at Grandma's house! I love his missing teeth it's adorable with his freckles and his pokey-outee ears!

Ryker finally got into the Karate class we had been on a waiting list for. He was so excited because alot of the neighborhood kids go to this Karate class taught by our stake president. He goes twice a week and loves it! Master Robb is pretty awesome and the kids get stripes for things like good grades, and treating each other nicely. Ryker helped a new kid feel included and one of the parents called to tell master Robb how thankful he was that Ryker had made his kid feel so welcome. Ryker came home beaming from ear to ear with a stripe on his belt! It was so cute.

We are looking forward to sunny days and being outside!

1 comment:

  1. Gary and Bree,

    I'm glad you guys live next door. Ryker is a well mannered kid...compared to some other kids. I hope my boys are well behaved when they play at your house.
