Friday, March 26, 2010

My silver lining.........

You ever have one of those days when you don't think another thing can go wrong and then it does? Well that was me yesterday I was one big mess. I will spare all of the messy details lets just say it was pretty bad. Anyhow in those times I think it's so easy to think negatively and let those dark clouds make you feel down and depressed but that was not what I was taught to do. I was taught to look for those silver linings in those dark clouds and I did. My silver lining will always be these three people:#1. This man can make me laugh

he loves me and I love him.

Even on my worse days he can always put

a smile on my face

#2. This boy is my first.
He made me a better person
he has a big heart and a great sense of humor.
#3. This baby she is a light in my life
everytime she says HI! My heart melts
she is my little sweetheart.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Messes and Mustaches....

The mess....

This is what happens when you give a little lady

like Violet

Chocolate Ice cream

She is a lover of chocolate just like her momma

The mustache

This young man loves a good mustache

He chose this as his prize at

My little comedian

The dog

Is pretty darn cute I decided I love him

My kids love him too ecspecially violet

He's her new best buddy

I just love Rykers morning hair

and Ripley's crazy tounge in this picture

Just had to throw in this cute picture of my kiddos
in their batman shirts sharing their favorite snack