Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve
We started out with a candlelit dinner. Gary's Mom and Dad sent us this lovely centerpiece made from real flowers. We had a special made pasta dish, rolls, and salad it was so good!
Papa Rey joined us for Christmas this year, it was nice because we never have spent a Christmas with him before.
We had our traditional Jammie opening,
and a Jammie fashion show!
Jonah had snowboard monkeys,
Violet looked lovely in her cupcake jams,
and Ryker looked so handsome in his penguin, snowman, and polar bears
Gary wowed us with his flannels....

Papa Rey offered to take some family photos of us. Just overlook Violet's vacant stare and Jonah's sideways glance. Pictures with toddlers are the best! I know one day this photo might come in handy for a good chuckle. Gosh I love their rosy cheeked jammie combination though!
We grabbed some candy canes for dessert and made the trip over to Layton parks lights, fun as always!

Lastly, we made up our santa plate, an orange, reindeer food, and a sugar cookie!
We read a story about Jesus birth and The Night Before Christmas. I love how excited my kids get, it was so easy to put them to bed. They wanted to go to sleep right away so they could see what Santa had brought in the morning!

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