Friday, July 6, 2012

Baby you're a firework!

There are so many things to be excited about on the fourth of July, parades, taffy, picnics, fireworks, carnivals, dressing the kiddies up in red, white, and blue. Besides taffy getting thrown at my head and firework ash landing on my arm, the day was pretty darn perfect. We went to the Kaysville parade, oh how we have missed it! They have the best water fight at the end, and the kids get lots of little candies and prizes in their pockets. We met up at Aunt Gloria's, her house is perfect walking distance to the parade and fireworks, so we just parked in her driveway and walked down with the cousins. The entire day our theme song was " Baby you're a firework!" by katy perry. We are a singing family when we get excited (including Gary) Ha ha!

Notice Jonah's face? Ha ha! He needed a nap, he took one shortly after this picture was taken.
I couldn't believe he could fall asleep in all of that noise!

Aunt Summer came to the parade with us
Grandma Jen & Papa Shane also joined in the fun!
Ryker was so into grabbing all the goods this year! He got dozens of taffies, lots of necklaces, a frisbee, and other random stuff. Ha ha!
Gary and Ryker at the water fight .They got soaked! These big trucks were just spraying people like crazy!!

After a picnic at the park with aunts, uncles, and cousins, we went swimming at our favorite pool this year:
Grandma Al's. My kids love swimming at Grandma Al's pool. Even Jonah is getting really good at it! Violet usually just scales the wall, and Ryker is really into diving to the bottom of the pool to retrieve his swim toys.
 My cute family :)
 Jonah buggs was swimming! The puddle jumper helped alot.
 He was kickin his little chubby legs and loving every minute of it!
 After the pool it was off to the fireworks!!!

 All tuckered out from a long day! I just love how they fell asleep with their foreheads together ha ha!
Happy Fourth!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a fun 4th! Jonah is so dang cute and looks so big! Cute kids!
