Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Life's no walk in the park.

I just want to put this out there because it has been something that has been on my mind lately. Life is not perfect, people are not perfect. Just because someone posts a bunch of  awesome pictures on their blog/ facebook of them on a beach, or on top of a mountain, doesn't mean that their life is always that cool or that they aren't struggling with some kind of  trial in their life. I am not perfect. I love taking pictures of my kids and our adventures together but we have lots of moments when it's chaotic and hard. Families are not always easy. You  learn how to love unconditionally and to serve others. Which is not always easy, might I add. It's so easy now a days to compare yourself to others via the internet and being able to see everyone else's life through their photos. I just think it's really important to remember that we are all individuals at different times in our lives, struggling with different trials. We are here to learn from our mistakes and to try with all our might to become better each day. Comparing yourself to another can be counter-productive in our journey to being a better version of ourselves, and it can lead to sadness or a feeling of not good enough. Well for what it's worth, we are good enough. And nobody is better than anyone else. Not even if you have a picture of yourself  in an ocean surrounded by dolphins, rainbows, and beautiful sunsets! Every person in this world is important and it is not measured in photos. Everyone is awesome :)


  1. This is why I just love you so :) your such a beautiful person and friend and I think you are amazing. Your so positive and such a good mom and wife. I really do look up to you and I'm so thankful that we moved into the same neighborhood and grew up together.

  2. Well said Bree! You are great!
