Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween and a handful of fall...

This is Halloween! I was a cat but ended up looking more like a skunk. This is Ryker as a pirate skeleton he was dressed in his costume at 9 am! He loves halloween just like his mom. We went to an amazing halloween party hosted by my mom there was halloween themed food, games, and lots of family and friends. I only wish I would have gotten more pictures of everyoneI did get a picture of these cute trick or treaters toughin it out in the rain! This is Ryker with his cute little hello kitty friend Avery. Violet stayed with grandma Jen while we went trick or treating.
We went to a halloween carnival with some cousins. It was great fun, here are my two little pirates with their sweet cousin Ava.
Josie the dragon, Ava the witch, Ryker the Pirate, Sienna the bumble bee, and Violet the pirate.
This was after Ryker's halloween parade at school! Here he is with a couple of his friends. He had such a fun day.
Rykes carved his own pumpkin this year! I drew the bat he wanted and was by his side the whole time making sure he was careful. He did an awesome job!

So I got stuck with Ryker's massive pumpkin that he picked out of the patch and I broke out in some odd rash on my arm from cleaning out that beast of a pumpkin. The end result is the pumpkin on the far right. Ryker was very specific that he wanted me to carve a mustache on it. I think it turned out pretty cool.

I got to be a helper mom and go on a field trip with Ryker to the pumpkin patch here he is on the bus!

This was my group of kindergartners to keep track of. They had so much fun picking their pumpkins in the patch!

Here is a handful of fall pictures. I love this time of year going up to fernwood by the castle house and walking in all of that beautiful fall scenery! This is Ryker and Violet with some buddies climbing the mountain.

This boy is my heart and I just love that smile.

Fall leaves and friends.

Miss Vi, she is so sassy these days! I sure love my little sweet and sassy muffin.

I rarely get a picture where she will look at the camera and smile. She is so busy!

Gary gets home in two weeks (hooray!) I am looking forward to him being here. I just love that man. I can't wait to laugh at all his jokes, hold his hand, and spoon. Sorry if that's to much information! But seriously I will be so happy to have my goofy husband around again!


  1. I love your cute family!! Looks like everyone had a lot of fun!! And YAY for your hubby coming home soon!!! :)

  2. I love all your Halloween costumes! How do you look so amazing as a cat and being 7 months pregnant?! Not fair!
    Mike is also so very excited for Gary to get home. We will have to get back to having our crepe nights!!

  3. Oh Bree! Thanks so much for inviting us to your party. Avery had so much fun. Your mom is so creative and awesome! Tell her thank you once again! Next time you guys can come play at our house. What a great Halloween!
